北東アジア冷戦後地域システム : 朝鮮半島の危機と勢力均衡モデルの模索(<特集>環日本海をめぐる国際秩序の形成とその課題)
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A new balance of power among major nations is arriving in the East Asia. With the end of Cold War, the "four-country-dialogue" proposal, origianily initiated by the U.S., called for the holding of a conference on the Korean peninsula amonng the U. S., China, and the two Korea to defuse tentions and to make comprehensive peace settlement in the region. These diplimatic efforts should be regarded as an attempt of realizing peace and stability in the Korean peninsula and Northeast Asian region at large. Whether or not the four-party dialogue would be undertaken, to persuade North Korea into participating in international society must be atmost important agenda for the engagement policy makers of the U.S., China, Japan and others. Korea had been long time a locus of power contests among modern states. Therefore, historical perspective is essential to the study of balance of power system in the region. To accomplish such a task, this study try to outline the historical events and milestones since the turn of century, in order to drive from the previous experience practical lessons for our own time.
- 北東アジア学会の論文
- 1997-09-15
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- 北東アジア冷戦後地域システム : 朝鮮半島の危機と勢力均衡モデルの模索(環日本海をめぐる国際秩序の形成とその課題)