キハダの育種に関する基礎的研究(I) : 開花,受粉,花粉の発芽および種子の稔性について
- 論文の詳細を見る
Flowering pollination, pollen production and germination, seed fertility, etc. in Phellodendron amurense were studied using 10〜50 years old trees. The results obtained are as follows: The flowering period of P. h. amurense in a stand was about 20 days. About 15 species of flower-visiting insects were observed on male flowers. It was estimated that one male inflorescence produced eight million and seven hundred thousand pollen grains. The percentage of pollen germination was 39% an the average. The percentage of seed germination varied markedly according to stands and individual trees. The seeds of young trees were infertile. In stands above 20 years old, the percentage of seed germination was 20〜50% on an average.
- 1992-05-31
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