- 論文の詳細を見る
This study aims at proposing an assessment method for basin development which entails large-scaled infrastructure development in basin unit. This method covers both the environmental impacts of development and its socioeconomic effects. The development for evaluation of this study is a power dam which was constructed in 1965 at the northeast Thailand in the Mekong river basin. Forest area index and soil conservation index were set as the environmental impact assessment, and income level index and water resource quantity index were set as the social economic effect. As the scenario, the following three cases were set, (1) when power dam was constructed (actual case), (2) when dam was not constructed, (3) when irrigation dam was constructed. Each index value was calculated by using the model in the whole basin which has the dam in every scenario. As the result of the calculation in every three scenarios and four indexes, the comprehensive assessment showed that the case of irrigation dam was the highest score.
- 環境アセスメント学会の論文
- 2009-03-15
倉田 学児
水野 啓
原 雄一
京都学園大 バイオ環境
勝本 卓
Herath Srikanda
原 雄一
水野 啓
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