複式学級の特性を生かした算数科授業デザインに関する研究(I) : 学習活動における児童の相互作用の様相に着目して
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The purpose of this research is to consider the lesson design of the arithmetic in a combined class. In this paper, as the preparation for the lesson design, we performed the experiment lesson in the combined class of the Kagoshima University department-of-education attached elementary school and analyzed the aspect of the interaction between the children of different grades. The experiment lesson was carried out as group study by the group which consists of four children including the child of different grades. The subject matter of the lesson was an Arithmogons (calculation triangle). The situation of the experiment lesson was recorded on video, and we analyzed the content of an utterance. The following became clear from the analysis result. First, it was shown by this experiment lesson that study of the child of the different grade in a combined class is possible enough. With the first half of an experiment lesson, it was often seen that a child of one grade spoke and the other grade child was only hearing it. However, in the second half of a lesson, it was often seen that the children of different grades spoke similarly about the same theme. This shows that the joint study by the children of different grade is possible enough. Secondly, as an aspect of an interaction in group study, the following three types were able to be observed. Type1; The argument in a group is distributing and the contents are not accumulated. Type2; The assignment of the role of trial and monitoring is performed within the group. Type3; An argument within a group is advanced together and the contents of the argument are accumulated. From this result, it became clear what kind of help a teacher should do with these types of the interaction. And this has given an important suggestion to the lesson design of the arithmetic in a combined class.
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