Stephen G. Engelmann, Imagining Interest in Political Thought : Origins of Economic Rationality., Durham and London : Duke University Press, 2003, 194pp.
- ジェレミー・ベンサム : その知的世界への再アプローチ : フィリップ・スコフィールド『功利とデモクラシー』(2006年)をめぐって
- 書評 Stephen G. Engelmann: Imagining Interest in Political Thought: Origins of Economic Rationality. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2003
- Philip Schofield, Utility and Democracy: The Political Thought of Jeremy Bentham, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006, xiii+370pp
- Stephen G. Engelmann, Imagining Interest in Political Thought : Origins of Economic Rationality., Durham and London : Duke University Press, 2003, 194pp.