ペン入力PCを活用したクラス活動の試み : 日本語クラスでのタブレットPCの使用
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Some institutions of secondary and higher education in Japan have recently introduced tablet PCs for educational purposes. Since learners can freely write on the touch screen of a tablet PC with a digital pen and can easily save their handwritten data, the PCs have a much broader range of applications in Japanese language classrooms than the traditional paper-and-pencil instructions. Given that the PCs can automatically read their handwriting and can easily save their products as a digital image or as a document, they have tremendous amount of potential to make the language classroom more active and dynamic.
- 2008-09-20
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- ペン入力PCを活用したクラス活動の試み : 日本語クラスでのタブレットPCの使用