A Study of the Hồi giáo Religion in Vietnam: With a Reference to Islamic Religious Practices of Cham Bani(<Special Issue>De-institutionalizing Religion in Southeast Asia)
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This paper examines Hồi giáo, a state-recognized religion translated as "Islam" inVietnam, and will focus on the Islamic religious practices of the Cham Bani, one oftwo groups of Muslims in Vietnam. While it is recognized that diverse Islamicreligious practices have taken root in various areas, there is a tendency to viewreligious practices such as the Quran recital, Ramadan, Salat, and so on, with asweeping uniformity. As such, regardless of how "unorthodox" they are, the peoplewho engage in such practices within society are regarded, or classified, as Muslim.The Cham Bani have also been described as an unorthodox Muslim sect, on thebasis of its syncretic religious practices. However, the Cham Bani practitioners seethemselves as neither Muslim nor members of the Islam community, and considerthat they have experienced a different evolution of Islamic religious elements.Is it possible to equate Hồi giáo with Islam and its followers with Muslim? Thispaper examines these questions through observations of the self-recognition, aswell as the actual conditions of Islamic practices among the Cham Bani, especiallythe rituals that are observed during Ramadan. It reveals the possibility that Vietnam'sstate-recognized religious sect of "Islam" and its "Muslim" followers are polytheticin nature and differ from the conventional definitions of Islam and Muslim, based ona monothetic classification.
- 2012-12-31