学力の向上と学校の組織力 : 学力向上問題の多層的位相と学校の組織的対応の課題(<特集>学校の組織力と教育経営)
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It is considered that the improvement of the scholastic ability is influenced by the organizational capacity of schools. In particular the multi-layer phase of the issue of scholastic ability improvement and the problem of the organized correspondence of the school were also considered by the method of organizational capacity of schools. As a result the following conclusions were generated. (1) Various measures of the scholastic ability improvement were accomplished from national level to each school level. Consequently each school has to cope systematically on the basis of the purpose of the scholastic ability improvement. Therefore organized actions become necessary in each school under the support of the Board of Education more than before. (2) Because a national achievement test was carried out, the inspection-improvement cycle is performed nationwide in each Board of Education. As a result of reporting the analysis of the national achievement test, the correlations of scholastic ability of the student and their habits at home came to be recognized widely. The support of the Board of Education seemed to be important considering the results of the national achievement test from the viewpoint of knowledge management. It is important to constitute local educational practices again with more variations for teachers. (3) Based on PDCA cycle of school management, organization purpose is shared by setting a clear aim of the scholastic ability improvement as a theme of the in-service training in the school. Clear vision and communalization of the education purpose are a basic condition to achieve organizational capacity of schools. It is the key point for organization administration to grasp whether facilitating function is accomplished smoothly. In the formation of a corporate culture it is important to have a structure which facilitating function operates continuously.
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- 学力の向上と学校の組織力 : 学力向上問題の多層的位相と学校の組織的対応の課題(学校の組織力と教育経営)
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