植村正久とP.T.フォーサイスの祈祷論 : 日本の教会における祈り理解の問題
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For Japanese Christians, how to understand prayer in the context of the Christian faith is an important issue. The same word for prayer (inori) that has been used for prayer in traditional Japanese religions and spirituality has been also used for Christian prayer, too. However, the nature and meaning of prayer in these two realms are quite different. As a result, it is easy for Japanese Christians to have confusion and misunderstanding regarding Christian prayer. This paper analyzes the writings of the early Japanese Christian leader, Masahisa Uemura. It also considers the way in which the book by P. T. Forsyth, "The Soul of Prayer" has been understood in Japan. It thus seeks to clarify the special characteristics of the understanding of prayer among Japanese Christians.
- 2012-03-20
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