住民の視点からみた野生復帰の意義と役割 : コウノトリとトキの野生復帰を通じて
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This study elucidates local residents' opinions on the release of the Japanese crested ibis (Nipponia nippon) on September 25, 2008. Questionnaire surveys were conducted by mail twice in Sado City, Niigata Prefecture, on August 2008 (before the release) and in January 2009 (after the release), to assess the extent of awareness among local inhabitants. Of the 1000 randomly selected inhabitants aged 20-79 years, 567 and 591 responses were obtained for the first and second surveys, respectively. The majority of respondents regarded the release favorably primarily because "The birds are indigenous to the area"; however, very few of the respondents had seen Japanese crested ibis in the natural environment. Comparing the responses from the two surveys revealed an increase in the number of inhabitants that regarded the presence of the crested ibis favorably. In addition, more people regarded the crested ibis as a local symbol and fewer inhabitants regarded it as a threat to their agricultural activities. In a similar survey for the white storks (Ciconia boyciana), the release was regarded favorably because "The birds are indigenous to the area." These findings suggest that local inhabitants are more open to the release of birds in an area if the birds are indigenous to that area.
- 2012-05-31
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