女性農業者のキャリア形成と世代移行 : 水沢地方農業担い手女性塾メンバーへのフォーカス・グループ・インタビューより
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Under the guidance of local agricultural extension officers, Josei-juku, a self-directed study group in theMizusawa district of Iwate Prefecture, was founded in 1992 by women farmers in their forties (born 1943-1952) from full-time farm households.In February 2010 we conducted a focus group interview of 9 members of the group to analyze their cognition about developing tasks that characterize each life stage, i.e. career formation as professional farmers during their forties and fifties and generational transition of family farms during their sixties.We found that the main issue during their forties and fifties was to establish their status within family farm management in order to carry out more profitable agriculture. Their goals were to raise the standard of living to urban levels and to attain women's rights. They are now in their sixties and, having achieved management partnerships, have recognized the alternative values of rural life and family farming. They have gained selfconfidence in their occupation and pride in rural life. Their current task is to transfer the family farm with its values to the next generation. Although traditional male-dominant succession has become uncertain, change
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- 女性農業者のキャリア形成と世代移行 : 水沢地方農業担い手女性塾メンバーへのフォーカス・グループ・インタビューより
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