- 論文の詳細を見る
Wakame includes a lot of alginic acid, the water soluble dietary fiber, and is the seaweed which is used very often in Japan. Alginic acid is combined with sodium in the small intestine and promotes sodium excretion to feces. Alginic acid is also known to interfere the absorption of excessive cholesterol. The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of wakame dosage on serum nutrients and bone metabolism in high-fat-diet given rats. Male Wistar-strain of rats (n=24) were divided into four groups, the normal-diet group (n=6), the wakame-diet group (wakame powder 10% , n=6), the high fat-diet group (lard 14% , n=6), the high fat-wakame-diet group (lard 14% , wakame powder 10% , n=6). After four weeks of these dietary regiments, there were no significant in femur calcium and magnesium among the groups examined. Femur phosphorus significantly decreased (p<0.05), and the Ca/P ratio significantly rose (p<0.01) by the wakame dosage. However, the mineral concentrations in heart, liver and the kidney did not changed significantly among all the groups. The iron concentration significantly increased all (p < 0.05) by the seaweed dosage in spleen. There were no significantly differences of macro-elements in all serum tested. Serum iron significantly decreased (p < 0.05) in the high-fat-diet group. Though serum total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol significantly decreased (p < 0.05) in the high-fat-diet group, it was not changed in the high-fat-wakame-diet group and the normal-diet group. These results suggested that there is likely a change of the mineral concentration, and improvement of serum HDL-cholesterol concentration by wakame and high-fat-diets.
- 2012-12-30
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