- 論文の詳細を見る
In this study, subjective evaluations of binocular visions with a mixed videos between a VR (Virtual Reality) and a live action were considered. In order to this evaluations, an angle of convergence of VR was fixed, on the other hand the angle of convergences of live action were changed, visualizations of the mixed videos were evaluated through the subjective experiments. As the result, the followings were made clear. A tolerance of the convergence angle existed in spite of a convergence distance was changed, the convergence angles from ±1.22° (convergence distance: lm) to ±1.73° (convergence distance: 2.5m) were conditions. The subjective evaluations of the visualizations of the mixed videos indicated best score as the convergence distance was 2m. The evaluation of the sense of embossing indicated similar patterns to Tyler's study.
- 2012-03-01
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