被災地の農業構造と東北農業復興の課題 : 宮城県を中心に(大会報告・共通論題:東日本大震災・原発事故からの地域経済社会の再建をめぐって)
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The Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011 caused extensive damage to agriculture in the Tohoku region. Miyagi Prefecture was especially devastated by the massive tsunami that flooded 10% of its cultivated acreage. Furthermore, rural communities themselves were damaged much as the land was, and have yet to recover adequately. The Miyagi Prefecture Basic Disaster Reconstruction Policy includes in its "Basic Concepts" what it calls "Not just Restoration," [but also] "Restructuring." It explains the concept as follows: "While coordinating land usage, the prefectural government will make plans to improve agricultural output through agricultural land integration, large scaling of operations and transitions of crops planted. In addition, the agri-business for the "sixth industry" will be proactively developed for the revitalization and reconstruction of a competitive agricultural industry." (Miyagi Prefecture translation) The key words here are "integration", "large scal[e]," and "business". In line with the Prefectural plan, some private enterprises have already joined the reconstruction effort in cooperation with large-scale agricultural corporations in Sendai City. By contrast, however, many medium-and small family farmers and their lands have not yet recovered. The government should henceforth not pursue only the single model of "large-scale agribusiness through integration of farmlands," but should also closely examine the grave situation of small-scale family farms and seek to address their needs.
- 2012-04-30
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