- 論文の詳細を見る
The Green Revolution which happened in Asia in 1960s was understood as a technical breakthrough composed of high yielding varieties, chemical fertilizer and effective irrigation. Historical records of the Japanese agriculture over 1,000 years endorsed this theory, based on the three common characteristics of the Asian agriculture: (i ) heavy monson rainfall; (ii) rice is the single major crop; and (iii) small scale farming. Following the World Commission on Environment and Development published its report entitled "Our common Future" in April 1987, the Ministry of Agriculture, Foresry and Fisheres (MAFF) of the Japanese Government, entrusted the International Development Center of Japan (IDCJ) to undertake a systematic four-year study on "Global Environment and Agricultural Resource Management" from 1990-1993. The LDCJ Mission not only analyzed technical problems (slash-and-burn cultivation, overgrazing, fuel wood harvesting and soil degradation), but also studied comprehensive socio-econmic development strategies. In 1995, NAFF again requested IDCJ, to advise on agricultural cooperation strategies to African countries. The IDCJ Mission's major finding was that another "Green Revolution" in Africa would not be possible, unless it incorporates "Hnman" and "Resources" aspects, in addition to "Technology". It recommended a concept of "Triad Agricultural Revolution" to save Sub-Saharan Africa.
- 日本ペドロジー学会の論文
- 1995-12-31
- アジア「緑の革命」と, アフリカ「虹色の革新」
- V-4 地球環境と農業資源管理 : 焼畑・過放牧・薪炭材・土壌劣化の12ヵ国調査から(V.地球環境保全と世界の水田 : 日本の農業とペロジストの国際貢献の道をさぐる)
- 質疑応答
- アフリカ「緑の革命」は成功するか?
- 日本・アジア・世界を駆け抜けた農村開発の人生
- 21世紀アフリカ農村開発の展望
- 地球環境と三次元農業革命
- 地球環境と農村開発
- 地球環境と三次元農業革命(地球環境保全と世界の水田-日本の農業とペドロジストの国際的貢献の道をさぐる-,第34回ペドロジストシンポジウム)