- 論文の詳細を見る
Plant opal analysis was carried out on soils derived from volcanic ashes at the foots of Mt. Fuji and Mt. Amagi, central Honshu, to reveal previous vegetations and clarify soil-vegetation relationships. The Fuji soils derived from basaltic ashes (younger than about 2,700 y. B. P.), were collected from a Brown Forest soil (No. 1) and a Black (Kuroboku) soil (No. 2) belonging to the cool temperate zone. The Amagi soils were Brown Forest soils (Nos. 3 and 5) and a Black (Kuroboku) soil (No. 4), which were developed from dacitic ashes (younger than about 2,900 y. B. P.). The soil (No. 3) was in the cool temperate zone. On the contrary, the soils (Nos. 4 and 5) were in the warm temperate zone. 1) Plant opal assemblage of Black (Kuroboku) soils (Nos. 2 and 4) was characterized by the dominance of non-Bambusoid, Panicoid and Festucoid phytoliths. Brown Foresn soils (Nos. 1 and 3) were doninated by Bambusoid, mainly, from Sasa and jigsaw pazzle shaped phytolith originated from a deciduous broad leaf tree, Fagus crenata. In a Brown Forest soil (No. 5), Y-shaped phytolith of evergreen oak origin was much more abundant than in the other soils. 2) The present plant opal composition suggests that the Black (Kuroboku) soils, the Brown Forest soils in the cool temperate zone, and the Brown Forest soils in the warm temperate zone have respectively been formed under the vegetation of grass, Fagus crenata forest with Sasa, and evergeen oak forest. This implies that vegetations are able to exert respective and signficant influence upon soils developed from similar parent materials in lithology and age under similar climatic conditions.
- 日本ペドロジー学会の論文
- 1985-06-30
- 第9部門 土壌生成, 分類および調査
- 愛鷹山南麓域における黒ボク土層生成史 : 最終氷期以降における黒ボク土層生成開始時期の解読
- 22. 静岡県西部御荷鉾帯はんれい岩の初期風化物中の粘土鉱物
- 9-17 本邦中部山岳帯高山ポドゾルの母材について(9.土壌生成・分類および調査)
- 9-3 上信越山地の土壌型について(第2報) : 苗場山の高山腐植質土壌(9 土壌生成・分類および調査)
- 9-3 知多半島南部における地質・地形・土壌の対応関係(9.土壌生成・分類および調査)
- 関東ローム層の細砂軽鉱物組成
- 農業土木技術者のための土壌の知識とその応用-5-農地保全計画と土壌(講座)
- 2 庵原山地南部の赤色土壌について(中部支部講演会講演要旨(その2))
- 1 富士川右岸の「黒ボク」土壌について(中部支部講演会講演要旨(その2))