- 論文の詳細を見る
Grammar is probably one of the most difficult and unpopular categories of English study. For most English learners, grammar is about as much fun as a difficult formula in mathematics. That is, learners have to "memorize" it and apply it when answering questions in a test. One solution is to use movies for teaching grammar. Movies are motivating educational material and a rich source of a "real conversation." By using a movie, learners can see, hear, and fully understand how to use a particular grammar point in a meaningful context. Their passive grammar knowledge will become active, reinforced and meaningful. However, movies are generally too difficult, especially for lower-level learners. Most learners seem to find it almost impossible to understand foreign language movies without subtitles. This paper will show a solution for the above problem and demonstrate effective ways of utilizing movie segments to make a variety of exercises including grammar ones.
- 2007-05-07
- 平成18年度明石高専海外語学研修プログラム : 実現までの経緯と今後の課題
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