映画"The Miracle Worker"における英語教育
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This paper is intended to put emphasis on the usage of movie English which will develop an individual acquisition in English education. In analyzing factors to create an individual level in English, motivational factors as well as cognitive acquisitions must be discussed in relation to the learning attitude toward language acquiring. The story of "The Miracle Worker" is based partially on a biography of Helen Keller, who suffered from three different physical difficulties. Helen's desire for acquiring the language was enlightened by Ann M.Sullivan, who contributed her whole life to educating Helen using all her efforts. Many words or sentences offered by Sullivan were shown in sixteen scenes, in which any English teacher will find out the learning process of how she trained Helen in each scene of this film. One of the best scenes in this film is shown when Helen comes across the meaning of water and pronounces "W...A...T...E...R..." with hard difficulty. Every student, even if he is not interested in English will be moved and encouraged by Helen's brave attitude. In this respect, this is a good educational movie to make students acquire the English language and rid them of their inferiority complex. I am sure that effective usage of "The Miracle Worker" will be helpful in teaching English at junior or high school level.
- 1998-12-21
論文 | ランダム
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