Wood Density in Relation to Growth Rate and Tissue Proportions of Teak Grown in Bangladesh
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To make fundamental information regarding wood quality for forest planning of teak (Tectona grandis L.), the variation of wood density, a reliable index of wood quality, were investigated. Six teak trees were sampled from two districts, Sylhet and Rangamati in Bangladesh. Wood density was measured by soft X-ray densitometry. Wood density remained more or less constant from pith to bark within individual trees, but varied between the two sites. Tissue proportions (Fiber, vessel, parenchyma and ray) varied conspicuously in narrower rings but were more stable in rings wider than 2mm. Vessel proportion was negatively and ray proportion was positively correlated with wood density. Ray proportions are considered to be tree specific and under genetic control. When planning to produce quality teak of higher wood density, proper site selection is the first and most important step. From the standpoint of uniformity and higher wood density, it is advisable to grow teak maintaining the ring width above 2mm and selecting trees with higher ray proportions for improving wood density. In teak, the differences in wood density between juvenile wood and mature wood were small. It is estimated that wood density is not affected by initial radial growth, consequently not affected by initial spacing.
- 森林計画学会の論文
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Shimane University
Rahman Md.
Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Shimane University
Rahman Md.
Department Of Agriculture Bsmrau
Hirakawa Yasuhiko
Forestry And Forest Products Res. Inst. Ibaraki Jpn
Fujiwara Shinji
Department Of Forest Science Faculty Of Agriculture Kochi University
Kanagawa Yasushi
Department Of Forest Science Faculty Of Agriculture Kochi University
Hirakawa Y
Forest And Forest Products Research Institute
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