- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper, we describe the improvement and management methods for the system of informationprocessing computer rooms in our college.We recognized the importance of information processing education and have been giving lectures oncomputer literacy to all of our students since 1998. The members of the Information ProcessingEducation Center lecture on the usage of PCs and the Internet. On the first time of the class, we makea point of giving each student an account for client PC, E mail and etc. For this reason, a computerroom which the students can make use of freely was necessary. Since there is only one computer roomat present. a large number of students cannot work on computers at the same time. Furthermore, con necting the PCs in the computer room directly to the LAN creates problems with security. etc. In orderto open the room to the students, we also had to consider methods for managing the room. To solvethese problems, we added one new computer room and changed the composition of the network.Moreover, we changed the OS to one of high security. ln addition, we made it possible to track theusage of each student from the log of the server PC. Currently, the computer rooms are opened to thestudents without a manager on the premises. Students come to use the computer rooms actively evenafter school and more than 1600 students a week are using the PCs.Key words : Computer rooms, Management Methods, Improvement, use of freely _
- 福島工業高等専門学校の論文
島村 浩
福島工業高等専門学校 コミュニケーション情報学科
中尾 剛
福島工業高等専門学校 電気工学科
中尾 剛
いわき明星大学 理工学部 電子情報学科
新井 広
亀井 宣男
島村 浩
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