- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of the present study was to investigate what were effective teaching methods for university student learning knowledge of sport pedagogy and to make clear how to teach using those methods at Akita University. In this study, at this class which is one of a required subject for physical education teacher license, students participate in learning knowledge of sport pedagogy through keywords, viewing DVD about PE class at school, discussion about sport pedagogy topic and summarizing using three key words, intermediary check test, a lecture from expert inservice teacher. Student thought the most effective teaching methods was a lecture from expert inservice teacher, and the second were discussion and viewing DVD about PE class at school. Although there are opinions which it was effective lecture using books and paper materials and intermediary check test, too. The suggestion are balanced both type of teaching methods; input and output, student lead and teacher lead knowledge from literature and knowledge from real inservice teacher, must be effective.
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