- 論文の詳細を見る
In recent years, the scale of the circulation market of consumer electronics hardly changes for around 7.5trillion yen. However, the structure is changing. In recent years, in the circulation market of consumerelectronics, the shares of the mass retailer of consumer electronics has increased, and a share of the localconsumer electronics shop has reduced. In the industry of consumer electronics mass retailer, the share of ahigher company in the industry will spread year by year. And it is thought that reorganization in the industry bymergers and acquisitions and the company unification will advance more and more in future. In this study, Ianalyzed the outside factor and inside factor of the industry of consumer electronics mass retailer with anexisting frame. A purpose of this study is to consider the directionality of the future problem and developmentof the mass retailer of consumer electronics from those results.
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