Die Entwicklung der Leben-Jesu-Philosophie von Kant zu Feuerbach (1)
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By the name „philosophy of Jesus' life" I mean the philosophical attempt to show Jesus' life in its historical character as the exemplar for human morality. It differs from the so called Christology in that it is free from the influence of the dogmatics. It does not explain Jesus Christ as the only son of God or His second person, but reveals Jesus' personality as the ideal of perfect humanity postulated by human practical reason. It teaches that we can look to the model of that ideal for perfection of our ownpersonality in morality.We can mention important works of the philosophy of Jesus' life in chronological order through the history of German modern philosophy. Immanuel Kant pioneered in this field. He described Jesus as the personified idea of the good principle, that is to say, as the ideal of a morally perfect human individual, in the second part of Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason (1793). The young Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was inspired by this work of Kant and wrote soon "Leben Jesu (Jesus' Life)" (1795). This work was left in manuscript, until Hermann Nohl edited it together with Hegel's other manuscripts of that period and published them as Hegels theologische Jugendschriften (Hegel's Early Theological Writings) (1907). After Hegel's death David Friedrich Strauss had Das Leben Jesu, kritisch bearbeitet (The Life of Jesus Critically Examined) (1835) published. His work was based on the energetic study of Hegel's philosophy, though he could never read the latter's "Leben Jesu". It created such a great sensation that the Hegelian School was immediately divided into the right and left (and probably the central) Hegelians. Strauss counted among the left Hegelians, among whom Ludwig Feuerbach soon became more influential with his radical position. He was of the opinion that the secret of theology is anthropology and that, in fact, the former is already disclosed as the latter because the figure of God's Sonin the bible is nothing but the representation of the pure essence of humankind. Therefore, his position can justly be regarded as a consequence of the philosophy of Jesus' life.In this paper I research into the development of the philosophy of Jesus' life from Kant to Feuerbach. In part one I get to the point of Kant's argument about this subject in Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason.
- 2012-03-20
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