薬用植物の栽培研究 : ゲンチアナの栽培及び調製について
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Gentian plant is a large perennial herb indiginous to central and southern Europe and Asia Minor. It was believed that the cultivation of the plant is very difficult in Japan. The experiments on cultivation of Gentiana lutea L. have been made since 1959. Several attempts which treat this plant as crop were done. Preparation of crude drug from fresh rhizomes and roots were attempted. Gentian roots are difficult to dry throughly because of the high sugar content. The contents of glycosides were checked by thin layer chromatography and extraction method from fresh roots.
- 日本生薬学会の論文
- 1972-12-20
吉田 尚利
畠山 好雄
三橋 博
吉田 尚利
三橋 博
北海道大学 薬
本間 尚治郎
逸見 誠三郎
水谷 次郎
- トウキの基原植物の研究(2) : 北海道産野生トウキ類の成分分析
- 北海道産木香の調製法と化学的品質評価
- ナイモウオウギを基原とする北海道産黄耆の化学的品質評価
- 中国産生薬の基原・品質に関する調査・研究(第1報) : 青海省東南部地域に見られた生薬基原植物について
- Astragalus mongholicus BUNGE 根の生育に及ぼす土壌環境の影響
- 10-Hydroxypheophytins and a New Norlabdane Diterpene from the Leaves of Cupressus funebris ENDL.
- Studies on the Constituents of Umbelliferae Plants. XVIII. : Minor Constituents of Bupleuri Radix : Occurrence of Saikogenins, Polyhydroxysterols, a Trihydroxy C_ Fatty Acid, a Lignan and a New Chromone
- Marine Terpenes and Terpenoids. V. : Oxidation of Sarcophytol A, a Potent Anti-tumor-Promoter from the Soft Coral Sarcophyton glaucum
- Studies on the Constituents of Umbelliferae Plants. XVII. Structures of Three New Ligustilide Derivatives from Ligusticum wallichii(Organic,Chemical)
- Marine Terpenes and Terpenoids. III. Isolation and Structures of Two Cembrane Diols from the Soft Coral Sinulana mayi(Organic,Chemical)
- Studies on the Constituents of Umbelliferae Plants. XV. Constituents of Cnidium officinale : Occurrence of Pregnenolone, Coniferylferulate and Hydroxyphthalides(Organic,Chemical)
- Marine Sterols. XV. Isolation of 24-Vinyloxycholesta-5,23-dien-3β-ol from the Brown Alga Sargassum thumbergii
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- Structures of Ikemagenin and Isoikemagenin
- The Structure of Caudatin
- 資料館の建設(研究資料の収集と保管)
- オクテット
- 薬用植物学の本
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- Fritillarizine, a New Fritillaria Alkaloid isolated from the Aerial Part of Mature Fritillaria verticillata
- Studies on the Constituents of Asclepiadaceae Plants. LXVI. The Structures of Three New Glycosides, Cynapanosides A, B, and C, from the Chinese Drug "Xu-Chang-Qing, " Cynanchum paniculatum KITAGAWA
- 28 ガガイモ科Cynanchum属のプレグナン配糖体について
- Studies on the Constituents of Asclepiadaceae Plants. LXV. : The Optical Resolution of D- and L-Cymaroses
- Studies on the Constituents of Asclepiadaceae Plant. LXIV. : The Structure Elucidation of Cynafogenin
- Revised Structure of a Novel Disaccharide, Wilforibiose, Obtained from the Hydrolysate of Cynanchum wilfordi HEMSLEY Glycosides
- Studies on the Constituents of Asclepiadaceae Plants. LXII. The Structures of Two Glycosides, Cynafoside-A and -B, with a Novel Sugar Chain Containing a Pair of Optically Isomeric Sugars, D- and L-Cymaroses, from Cynanchum africanum R. BR.
- Studies on the Constituents of Asclepiadaceae Plants. LXI. The Structure of Cynatratoside-F from the Chinese Drug "Pai-Wei, " Dried Root of Cynanchum atratum BUNGE
- 70 ガガイモ科植物成分の研究 : 光学異性の一対の糖(D-cymarose及びL-cymarose)を構成糖とするCynanchum wilfordi並びにC. africanumの配糖体について
- Studies on the Constituents of Asclepiadaceae Plants. LX. Further Studies on Glycosides with a Novel Sugar Chain Containing a Pair of Optically Isomeric Sugars, D- and L-Cymarose, from Cynanchum wilfordi
- Studies on the Constituents of Asclepiadaceae Plants. LIX. The Structures of Five New Glycosides from Dregea volubilis (L.) BENTH.
- Studies on the Constituents of Asclepiadaceae Plants. LVIII. The Structures of Five Glycosides, Cynatratoside-A, -B, -C, -D, and -E, from the Chinese Drug "Pai-Wei, " Cynanchum atratum BUNGE
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- ガガイモ科植物成分の研究 : 生理活性を有する配糖体の分離と構造