石韋の生薬学的研究 第1報 : 木村康一:シダ類生薬の生薬学的研究 第4報
- 論文の詳細を見る
We investigated the original plants of the crude drug of "Shih-wei (Sekii)" and "Hsiao-shih-wei (Syosekii)" in Japan, Corea and northern China; and found next 3 ferns of Pyrrosia; P. lingua (THUNB.) FARWELL, P. petiolosa (CHRIST) CHING and P. pekinesis (C. CHR.) CHING. The distinguish points of those ferns are as follows: 1. All species of this genus have the joint in lower part of stip, in P. lingua the phyllopodia is 5-7 mm. long, in P. petiolosa 2-3 mm. long, in P. pekinensis the phyllopodia is very short and nearly approachis to the rhizome. The leaves-bases of P. lingua and P. petiolosa more or less decurrent to stipes, but as P. pekinensis it remarkably widely decurrents from leaf-base to near rhizome and lamina and stipe cann't distinguish. 2. In the root there are crescent-shaped sclerenchyma on the both sides of bundle, in P. lingua its layers are thicker than P. petiolosa and P. pekinensis. 3. The rhizomes are clothed by small scales, in P. lingua and P. pekinensis they peltate at near the base, but in P. petiolosa at 1/3-1/4 part from base of scale. 4. Of the stomata, the gurd cells are surround with sole doughnut-shaped companion cell, in P. petiolosa and P. lingua the gurd cells are put to centre of companion cells, however in P. pekinensis the gurd cells leaned to one side of companion cells at many stomata. 5. One of the characteristics of genus, the leaves, except few, have hypodermis under the apper epidermis, in P. lingua the hypodermises are 2 layers and its cells are lager than epidermis cells, in P. petiolosa is only 1 layer and cells are the same size as epidermis cells, but in P. pekinensis hypodermis wants. 6. Many hydathoides are present in upper surface of leaves, it is a characteristics of this genus, at P. petiolosa the hydathoides fall in deep hollows, but at P. lingua and P. pekinensis they fall not so deep. 7. P. lingua and P. petiolosa have same form stellate hairs which have thick clubshaped arm cells, however P. pekinensis has 2 kinds stellate hairs, one lookes like wool hair, ahother has strong needle-like arm cells. 8. The stele is very intricately disposted from rhizome to lamina, in stip they are separated one pair of large bundles and some small ones, at P. lingua the small bundles are ca. 5, at P. pekinensis they are only 2.
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