環境保全活動の変容が及ぼす地域づくりへの影響 : 岡山県津山市の事例から
- 論文の詳細を見る
First of all, the present study organized the basic environment plan that promoted the citizens' participation and cooperation, secondarily wrestles with regional environmental problems by the activity of CBO and the citizens to promote the plan, and in the third, considered what problems there were in the community development. Some organizations were established for a different purpose and were integrated afterwards. The difference will be caused in several years among members, and the number of members has decreased consequentially. However, to solve regional environmental problems, the plan was not only promoted but also appropriately accepted the demand for the regional community. As a result, the activity was made joint, it was possible to contribute to the activation of downtown, and there was a positive effect in the community building.
- 日本生活学会の論文
- 2009-09-30
- 環境保全活動の変容が及ぼす地域づくりへの影響--岡山県津山市の事例から
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- 環境保全活動の変容が及ぼす地域づくりへの影響 : 岡山県津山市の事例から