農村地域の創業活動における模倣とネットワーク : 中国温州市天河鎮の民用電器産業を事例として
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This study aims to investigate the role played by imitation in the diffusion of entrepreneurial activity, the mechanisms of imitation, and the role played by networks in the imitative diffusion of entrepreneurial activity. From an individual perspective, entrepreneurs are often concerned about how others can be prevented from imitating their business opportunities, in order to protect their profits. However, as in the case of Tianhe Town, imitation plays an important role in facilitating community-level entrepreneurial activity. Through the case study of Tianhe Town, we have examined the role of three modes of imitation-trait-based, frequency-based, and outcome-based imitation-in the diffusion of entrepreneurial activity in rural areas. We found that each type of imitation differed in nature and mechanism. We also found that the most dominant form of imitation was changing over time in the process of the diffusion of entrepreneurial activity. Through a study of the consumer electronics industry in Tianhe Town, we found that the imitative entrepreneurial activity was different at each stage in terms of motivation and pattern. Management literature on imitation mainly focuses on the organizations and individuals who have adopted imitative behavior. However, the literature ignores those who refrained from imitation or could not imitate. Therefore, comparative research between these two cases is limited. However, we have identified discrepancy in the phenomenon of imitation through this case study. Although people from outside Tianhe Town live and work there, owing to their inability to join the close local network, they have been unsuccessful in establishing new businesses through imitation as the local residents usually do. Therefore, network plays an important role in imitative entrepreneurial activity.
- 2011-12-28