フィンランドの音楽教育II : 小学校音楽科教材に関する考察 1
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This study clarifies the basic contents for music education in primary schools in Finland. Comparison of content to be learned for both Finnish and Japanese 1st and 2nd grade primary school students are made. The study also examines haracteristics of the content to be learnedin Finland and how three characteristics of Finnish music education, obtained in previous research, correspond to the content of textbooks. Study of rhythm and time were found to be closely related to the content of various music curricula. Finland emphasizes the study of rhythm and both Finland and Japan place rhythm and time at the centre of 1st and 2nd grade music education. A wider genre of music is used in Finland than in Japan. It becomes clear that Finland characteristically introduces various European and American music educational methods. Two new findings are made in this study. One is that the study of tonality and harmony which are taught between 3rd and 6th grade in Japanese schools are introduced in the lowergrades of Finnish primary schools, using a traditional instrument kantele. The other finding is that the range of tone of the music in Finland, when compared to Japan, is lower.
論文 | ランダム
- 1. 画像上大部分が脂肪濃度を呈した後縦隔奇形腫の1例(セッションI ,静岡県呼吸器外科医会 第19回集談会抄録集)
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