〈コケット〉の系譜 -Eliza Wharton から Lily Bart ヘ-
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More than a decade ago, Mary Daly declared:"To exist humanly is to name the self,the world, and God."If we may add this right of naming to "the inalienable rights"of man, woman has been deprived of one of "the inalienable rights"since the beginning of history. When God created Adam, He gave him the right to name all the creatures of the universe. To name then is to define, even to beget,a thing. Language conditions as well as expresses experience. Only recently feminist literary criticism has alerted us to the historical fact that men have been the namers and definers. And sexism and language has now become an area where poets and scholars venture to explore the root of all evil, as it were. In the past,language has been used,largely by men,to define the other's(=woman's) experience, and regulate and restrict her activities. Similarly, literature, that is language imaginatively used, has contributed to the perpetuation of stereotypical fictional women characters, thereby depriving women of their individuality. This brief consideration of Eliza Wharton in Hannah Foster's The Coquette(1797), Daisy Miller in Henry James's "Daisy Miller"(1878), and Lily Bart in Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth(1905) traces the genealogy of the"Coquettes."It also examines how such naming(labelling)inhibits the free play of what is good in these"pretty American flirts,"which is no less than the violation of their personality and annihilation of their being. It is hoped,finally,that the paper will clarify the nature of the linguistic violence committed on women in literature and in life.
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- 〈コケット〉の系譜 -Eliza Wharton から Lily Bart ヘ-
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