最大瞬間学力のパラドックス : 日本・シンガポールの比較を通じて
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This research examines the process of decline of mathematical abilities of university students. The target contents knowledge are permutation, trigonometry, and vector. The authors controlled two factors: curriculum (related to nationalities) and major(arts or science). Increase/decrease of learned knowledge is, of course, depended on curriculum of each student's major, but also affected by how they had learned during high-school days. For example, all science major Singaporean university students have to take the Further Maths and it contains basic Mechanics so that it is clear for them to learn trigonometry and vector in high-school days. They have to learn trigonometry and vector by using higher-order learning strategies. Contrary to the science major Singaporean students, the Mechanics are not required content for the Japanese science major students. This difference affected the current performance of each content domain and, moreover, the Japanese students had shown paradoxical pattern of negative correlation between effort rates in high-school days and current math abilities, i.e. the more they learned in high-school days, the more they forget.
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