- 論文の詳細を見る
Researches and promotion of Multivariate Analysis (MA) in the field of Quality Control in Japan began from early age of 1950's without lagging behind Statistical Quality Control (SQC) which already had showed the exciting penetration and development in Japanese industries. The first applied method of MA was Regression Analysis. Although theoretical researches of MA and its applications in psychology and social sciences has been developed in the western countries since 1940's, the utilizations of MA in Japanese QC can be characterized in their practical applications for quality analysis and improvement in Manufacturing. Several success factors of the effective applications of MA in Japanese industries may be listed as follows: we had several excellent researchers of theoretical statistics and quality engineers before the World War II, who led the initial stage of development of QC thereafter; Quality engineers had very active minds to apply statistical methods including MA; in '60s researchers and engineers around JUSE began various activities for development and promotion of MA; computer programs and software systems for MA had been developed; there was good synergy between the domain technologies and applications of MA.
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