中国における教育史研究の30年 : 観念・視野・方法に基づく考察
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Education history, as the basic discipline of educational science and one of the fundamental curricula of teacher education and training, became a discipline in the early 1900s when modern school education policies were introduced in China. Furthermore, education history developed remarkably over the last century, especially during the 30 years following the adoption of the Reform and Opening-up Policy. It can be said without exaggeration that the last 30 years has been the fastest developing and most productive period for education history as a distinct discipline due to active efforts of a growing number of talented scholars, "revising history during the prosperous period." The relaxed environment since the Reform and Opening-up, the grand objectives of the Four Modernizations, and the establishment of strategic policies designed to revitalize the nation through science and technology have provided deep and fertile ground and injected great energy into the construction and development of education history. Thus an "old discipline" has moved in new directions despite the existence of some difficulties and problems in its progress.
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