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I could find the power of the oral historical research from the three presenters, namely Ms. Miyako Orii, who spoke on recording oral histories of women in various communities in Japan, Ms. Noriyo Hayakawa on the attempt to make interviews with the Chinese victims of sexual assaults in Sino-Japanese War, and Mr. Yu Wada, who presented the historical ethnography of the social movement for building public day care center and nursery school in the 1960's in Osaka from the standpoint of a male involved in this project, From the above, I have discovered that the oral history project of women living in the local communities is a radical shift in writing the official history of the respective communities. This project has indeed challenged the dominant patriarchal view of the history and instead revealed the world of domestic matriarchal lives. As for the attempt in the interviews about the survivors of sexual violence, this has reminded me of the importance of breaking the secrecy and telling the true stories, which would lead to the healing of the individual victims. (J. Herman, 1992) I was surprised to find that the power of storytelling could work as the bridge between the victims and the side of the perpetrators. Lastly, as Mr. Wada so clearly delineated, the establishment of the nursery school in the newly developed apartment complex in suburban Osaka was both ideological victory for the democratic double income family and the prerequisite condition for the woman as a wife and a worker to continue working. The oral history of the male activist illustrates how he modified the self-concept of gender after being involved in the movement.
- 2011-09-10
- 3.質的調査の現状と課題 : いま質的調査に求められるものとは何か(教育研究における質的方法の可能性,課題研究3,日本教育社会学会第58回大会)
- コメント2:オーラルヒストリーの実践を通したジェンダーの変容(ジェンダー史とオーラル・ヒストリー)
- 生活史からライフヒストリー,ライフストーリーへ(パイオニアにきく 第二回)
- 特集にあたって(四国遍路-ピルグリメージとオーラル・ヒストリー)
- はじめに : シンポジウム「オーラル・ヒストリーと歴史」へのまえがきとして(オーラル・ヒストリーと歴史)