- 論文の詳細を見る
Nowadays, the believers of Jodo Shinsyu are getting older and older, and it has become difficult to transmit the faith of Shin-Buddhism to the next generation. I think that the teaching of Jodo Shinsyu cannot meet the demands made by contemporary people. In this paper, I try to verify the idea that the teaching of Jodo Shinsyu is not only the way to attain the birth in the Pure Land and to become Buddha, but also the way to solve the problems of daily life. The key is in the concept of 'the assembly of rightly determined in present life (現生正定聚)’. If a person gets true faith, and comes to dwell in the stage of the truly settled, his birth in the Pure Land is fixed, so he can lead his actual life with no anxiety. Next, comparing the teaching of Jodo Shinsyu with the teaching of Sakyamuni Buddha, like the four truths, the biography, the three practices and the Mirror of Dharma, we try to arrange the structure of Buddha 's Path in Jodo Shinsyu. Finally, in order to construct the Study of Jodo Shinsyu, we suggest that we have to adopt the new understanding that Jodo Shinsyu is the subjective path to become Buddha, which is accompanied by practices in the present. We can think that attaining Faith and dwelling in "the stage of the truly settled" are only the process to attain birth and become Buddha. So we can find the clue to revitalize the party of Jodo 5hinsyu, and to transmit the life of Faith to the next generation, through practicing in the present, such as belonging to a meeting of Nembutsu Samgha and associating with people who are searching for the truth in temples, joining hands in prayer, leading a life with chanting Amida's name, holding Amida's image in mindfulness, chanting the sutra, reading the true sentence of Jodo Shinsyu in the morning and the evening, and making an effort to join services and to listen to the Dharma in temples.
- 2010-10-01
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