Kirifuki : 呼気・吸気によるエンターテイメントシステム(<特集>エンタテインメントVR)
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In order to bring out a potential ability of a broad range of visual representation on computing systems for games and entertainment, user-friendly interfaces and a wide range of variations in novel interaction techniques are greatly expected. This paper proposes a novel system called "Kirifuki" which has an ability of operating a computer by breathing in and blowing out. The principle of this system is as follows; the computer screen is projected onto the physical desk, and when the user blows onto it, the visual objects on the screen can be manipulated by breathing without using hands and any of physical pointing devices. In this paper, we describe our prototype system and demonstrate its application sub-systems which especially applied to entertainment fields. We also have conducted a preliminary evaluation of our system and the result shows that our system can operate in the usual indoor environment.
- 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会の論文
- 2002-12-31
伊賀 聡一郎
伊賀 聡一郎
樋口 文人
樋口 文人
樋口 文人
樋口 文人
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