- 論文の詳細を見る
Alongside the aging of Japanese society, the number of aphasia patients is increasing significantly. However, the number of speech therapists and speech rehabilitation facilities lags far behind what is required. Another status quo is that such facilities are not succeeding in supporting all the patients in need of treatment, both because of the vast energy and time required for aphasia treatment, and the difficulty in having the patients come to such facilities, due to the patient's physical problems. In order to solve this issue, we have proposed and developed "Supporting System for Aphasia Rehabilitation at Home" to enable rehabilitation training of Aphasia at home. This system provides the means of connecting an aphasia patient's home at a remote place and a speech therapist at hospitals through the PC network, to enable the patient conduct the rehabilitation aided by speech therapists at home. In this paper, we will introduce the system, and report a summary of the system evaluation we achieved by actually applying the system between the hospital and the patient.
- 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会の論文
- 2001-09-30
木村 晋太
服部 一郎
木村 晋太
木村 晋太
株式会社 アニモ技術本部
木村 晋太
高木 哲史
鈴木 晃
河合 勇
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