A20 ボクシングにおける側頭方向への頭部衝撃解析(頭部のモデル化と計測)
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A boxing is a very traditional and simple sport. You have to make a head injury to an opponent to win the match. But you don't have to make a severe head injury to him. The only thing you need is to get him down in 10 counts to win the game. However, a severe head injury often occurs to boxers and it makes them dead. In this research, Impact simulations were conducted to study an effective blow to a head for a concussion. The blows to a temple, cheek and jaw were applied to the head model in the simulations and the responses were observed. The obtained results showed that the each blows made high stresses to the brain stem, which is the centre of consciousness. The most effective impact is a blow to a temple of a head.
- 2010-11-02
- ボクシングパンチによる脳震盪シミュレーション
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- A20 ボクシングにおける側頭方向への頭部衝撃解析(頭部のモデル化と計測)
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