1104 議論に基づく設計意図表現に向けた人工衛星設計の事例分析(OS10-1 設計における知識マネジメント・情報共有I,OS10 設計における知識マネジメント・情報共有)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Engineering design involves continuing stream of decision making, which has great impact on the design at much later stages. In this study, we explore the possibility of employing argumentation for modeling decision making process in design. After reviewing argumentation based qualitative decision model, we introduce a argumentation-based design rationale model derived from the qualitative decision model. We apply several cases of design problems taken from a real-world satellite development project called Nano-JASMINE, and discuss the kind of problems that the proposed model is suited for. We argue that the model is apt for problems that are significant and involve risk, which requires much attention and efforts of the designer.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2009-10-28
- Webページの情報発信者の同定
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- 1104 議論に基づく設計意図表現に向けた人工衛星設計の事例分析(OS10-1 設計における知識マネジメント・情報共有I,OS10 設計における知識マネジメント・情報共有)