2P1-D07 ヒューマノイドロボットによるパターゴルフ動作の研究
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In this paper, we propose a method for planning a putter golf task by using a humanoid robot. The robot can recognize the positions both of a ball and a cup on a putting green by using a stereo camera in the head of the robot. A putter is installed in the left arm of the robot, and the robot can putt the ball by swinging the left arm. The robot can walk on the lawn stability by using the spike shoes that are installed in the soles of the robot. As a result, the robot can find the relation between the ball and the cup. The robot can reach in front of the ball on the lawn. The direction of the robot to the cup can be set automatically by the stepping operation. And the robot can putt the ball and the ball can reach the cup.
吉川 恒夫
小枝 正直
小枝 正直
大阪電気通信大学 総合情報学部
杉山 正治
吉川 恒夫
立命館大学 情報理工学部
谷田 浩平
吉川 恒夫
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