417 フリーピストン型スターリングエンジンを用いた排熱回収・発電に関する研究(新エネルギー(3))
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Fossil fuels such as petroleum, coal, and natural gas have become limited resources. In addition, bad effects caused by excessive carbon dioxide (CO_2) have now begun destroying our global environment seriously. Since current living and economical standards depend strongly on fossil energy sources, it is necessary to utilize the waste heat of factories and automobiles etc. effectively. In such background, we tried to recover the waste heat by using the small free-piston Stirling engine in this study. The free-piston Stirling engine is excellent in the maintenance, since the moving part is few. And it is also possible on the miniaturization of the engine, and it can be produced low-cost. In addition, economical power generation is possible even in the heat source of low temperature. In this report, the heat transfer simulation results of the component for the waste heat recovery were shown. Then we propose a waste heat recovery system using the free-piston Stirling engine.
- 2010-06-26
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