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We have reported that the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of indomethacin (IND) ointments with 50% ethanol extract (G-ext) from Evodiae Frutus (dried fruits of Evodia rutaecarpa var. bodinieri) are enhanced compared with IND ointment without Gext. In this study, the effect of G-ext on enhancing the skin permeation of IND was investigated by using hairless rats in vitro and in vivo. The concomitant treatment with G-ext (3% in ointment) clearly enhanced the flux of IND 2-fold, but none of its three major components (limonin, evodiamine and rutaecarpine) died. Thus, the in vitro enhancing effect ofG-ext on transdermal penetration of IND may be ascribed to another component(s) of G-ext. The in vivo application of the IND ointment with 3% G-ext produced higher plasma IND concentrations, but lowered the remaining amounts of IND in skin, compared with those of the.IND alone. These results suggest that the IND ointment with 3% G-ext is useful as antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory formulation due to the pharmacological effect of G-ext itself and the lowering effect of G-ext on the stratum corneum barrier consequently increases in plasma concentration of IND.
- 2003-12-20
岩城 正宏
久保 道徳
岩城 正宏
吉川 正人
船津 紀代
雨宮 勉
松田 秀秋
近畿大学 薬学部
Miwa Hiroshi
三重大学 第2内科
Matsuda Hajime
Nihon Shokuhin Kako Co. Ltd.
松田 秀秋
松田 久司
Kyoto Pharmaceutical Univ.
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- 192 閉塞性化膿性胆管炎の急性期治療に茵〓蒿湯エキス製剤等の併用が有用であった三症例(40 消化器(4)(胆道疾患))
- 134 手湿疹に対する腸癰湯の有効例・無効例の検討(28 皮膚科(3))
- 070 氣虚と心理状態の検討(15 精神・心理(5))
- 224 地黄含有方剤を長期連用しヘモクロマトーシスを併発したと考えられるベーチェット病の一例(51 血液)
- 071高齢者の漢方エキス製剤に対する味覚とADL等の改善関係について(17老年医学(1))
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- 初年次における分野横断的統合型薬学教育の試み
- インドメタシンのヘアレスラット皮膚透過に対する呉茱萸の促進作用
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