New Method of Searching for Cosmological Time Variation of the Fine-Structure Constant
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Editor's Note: The Editorial Committee of this journal wishes to acknowledge with regret that "New Method of Searching for Cosmological Time Variation of the Fine-Structure Constant" by Thong Duc Le, which was published in Vol. 126 (2011), p. 177 of this journal, has been found to be essentially a copy of the Europhysics Letters article, EPL 87 (2009), 69002 by L. D. Thong, N. M. Giao, N. T. Hung and T. V. Hung. To be worse, the latter was a paper retracted by EPL publisher in June 2010 by the reason that it contained extensive and repeated instances of plagiarism. We share this view with them, and moreover, this article was written under the feigned name of affiliation. PTP treats all unethical behavior such as plagiarism and duplicate submission seriously. Because the above-mentioned article is not an original contribution, the article (including its abstract) has been removed from this site.
- 2011-07-25