J0801-2-4 EGR効果による高温・高圧下での燃焼改善について([J0801-2]エンジン,動力システムにおける燃焼技術(2))
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Recently, environmental problems such as global warming and acid rain have become more serious. Therefore, a decrease of exhaust gas is demanded with the internal combustion engine. The EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) is one of the methods for decreasing it. But it is ignitability and the stability of the flame decrease by using extremely lean mixtures. This experiment has been carried out to determine the influence of CO_2 concentrations and initial temperature of mixtures on combustion characteristics of hydrocarbon-air mixtures by using an opposed rapid compression machine. The combustion behavior, such as pressure history, heat release rate and flame speed is observed by measuring the pressure and the travel time of flame front in the combustion chamber.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2010-09-04
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