2P1-C06 受動輪を用いた滑走による二足歩行型ロボットの移動 : ZMPを用いた姿勢制御
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The purpose of this study is to increase the moving speed of humanoid robot. In this study, we focus on roller-skates because of its simple mechanism, and present it as a new moving method of humanoid robot instead of running. This method can avoid the increase of the mass of motors and the gears, and driving energy in comparison with drive wheel. Moreover, it is thought that the control is also easier than running, because the method always grounds one foot. On the other hand, the robot is necessary to attitude control while sliding motion. Therefore, the attitude when humanoid robot slides is controlled with pressure-sensitive sensor.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2009-05-25
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