2A2-K14 温度制御機能搭載多段階マイクロリアクターシステムの開発 : 第2報: マイクロ流体システム搭載用モジュール型ポンプの開発
- 論文の詳細を見る
We have developed a micro reactor system realizing high-quality and efficient chemical reaction process. In this research, we developed the micro pump of the module type to embed it in the system. This micro pump has simple structure and can be separated into a driving part and a reactive part. According to this structure, developed micro pump achieves easy maintenance. This micro pump consists of a stainless steel body, two check values, a diaphragm and a magnetic coil. Flow and discharge pressure characteristic of the micro pump is measured. The experimental results indicate that the micro pump has a possibility of micro flow control; the flow rate of 2.5-4.5ml/min can be obtained by changing the frequency of input voltage. Moreover, it is shown that the micro pump can generate satisfactory pressure.
- 2009-05-25
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