1P1-D08 起立/着座支援とリハビリ機能を有する歩行器の研究 : 第6報 : 歩行器の移動機能を用いた起立姿勢安定化手法の提案(リハビリテーションロボティクス・メカトロニクス)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In our current research, we are developing a force assistance system for standing up motion. Our developing walker system realizes the standing up motion using the support pad with three degrees of freedom which is actuated by our proposed linkage mechanism. Furthermore, our walker system has a mobile function. In this paper, we develop the control scheme which realizes the natural standing up motion with safety and stability. For developing control scheme, we measure the typical standing up motion by the nursing specialist as control reference. In order to maintain the stability of the patients during this motion, the patient's center of gravity should be into the range of his foot. Therefore, we propose the novel control scheme for standing up motion using active walker function. The performance of our proposed control scheme is experimented by experiments.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2008-06-06
- パッシブリンク機構を有する車輪式移動機構の性能向上
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- 1P1-K03 起立/着座支援リハビリ機能を有する歩行器の研究 : 第8報:着座位置誘導法の検討
- 1P1-D08 起立/着座支援とリハビリ機能を有する歩行器の研究 : 第6報 : 歩行器の移動機能を用いた起立姿勢安定化手法の提案(リハビリテーションロボティクス・メカトロニクス)
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- ピクトサインとの相対位置関係に基づく移動ロボットのナビゲーション