解釈する力を高める話合い : 「解釈のアブダクションモデル」に基づく発問と話合い
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What kinds of discussions are appropriate for developing the process of interpretation? The concept of interpretation in this context refers to what C.S. Peirce calls abduction. Three factors can comprise the process: specific grounds (input data), rationale (warrant) for access to pre-acquired knowledge and interpretation (claim) based on these sets of information. These three elements of interpretation, grounds and rationale are similar to a simplified form of Stephen Toulmin's model. If students are assigned the task of presenting their own interpretations on the basis of a particular set of grounds and rationale, they will be able to reexamine in discussions the accuracy of their grounds and rationale as well as the logic of their interpretations based on such grounds and rationale. By being encouraged to repeatedly discuss things in terms of these three elements, students can hone their meta-thinking and develop the ability to express themselves in logically and persuasively. As a result, students will enhance their ability to interpret.
- 2011-03-31
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