- 論文の詳細を見る
To obtain implications for the vertical water mixing within the Sea of Japan, we collected 29 water samples from 2 sites around the Yamato Ridge (3,685 m and 2,610 m depth), and 24 samples from coastal areas (12 sites) along the Japan Island (85-475 m depth) in May-June 2004 and 2005. ^<226>Ra (t_<1/2>=1,600 y), ^<228>Ra (5.75 y) and ^<137>Cs (30.2 y) were quantitatively coprecipitated by BaSO4 and AMP using 20-60 L of water samples, and their activities were measured by low-background y-spectrometry. From surface to the Upper Proper water (1-1,000 m), the ^<228>Ra and ^<137>Cs activities exhibit gradual decrease from 1.8-0.2 mBq/L and 1.7-0.2 mBq/L, respectively. From the gradient of ^<228>Ra activity, the vertical eddy diffusivity was calculated to be 〜6 cm^2/s around the Yamato Ridge. In the Deep Proper Water (>1,000 m), the ^<228>Ra activity keeps approximately constant (〜0.2 mBq/L). These vertical distributions are reflecting the intense vertical mixing compared with those in other oceans. For deep sites of coastal areas (>〜250 m depth), the ^<228>Ra activities of bottom waters are notably lower (〜0.5 mBq/L) than those of shallow sites (<〜250 m) (0.7-2.2 mBq/L). The exchange of radium between shallow and deep water is inhibited by the boundary layer (thermocline at 〜250 m depth).
- 日本地球化学会の論文
- 2006-08-25
小村 和久
小村 和久
田中 究
井上 睦夫
御園生 淳
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