非人称的視点 : スピリチュアリティを記述するためのメタ方法論
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The purpose of this study were to advocate the impersonal perspective as a meta-method to describe spirituality, and according to such a perspective, to model the integral positivity derived from ozaki's theory of three factor spirituality within the context of scientific method to positive psychology and outside of scientific method. First, the integral approach of the Wilber where a first person, second person, third person approach had been advocated to integrate was critically examined from phenomenological standpoint. Second, we described for impersonal perspective through the phenomenological view. Third, we described integral positivity from the model of three factor spirituality on the impersonal perspective which integrated the scientific perspectives and outside of scientific perspectives. Through the process above, we showed the meta-method, impersonal perspective, which made the selection of a suitable method from various ones freely depending on the purposes of the studies possible. We also showed the possibility to describe spirituality and transcendence within the frame of empirical science such as positive psychology by using the new method, impersonal perspective.
- 2011-06-04
- スピリチュアリティを記述する方法論としての非人称の視点(研究発表論文,第29回生命情報科学シンポジウム)
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