- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper is a report on the results of the study about the errors of the values of specific gravity of soil particles. In testing specific gravity of soil particles under JIS A 1202, the average of the values is generally taken to the nearest 0.001. But it seems that the values are affected by the operation of the test itself and by the volume change of a picnometer by temperature. So this paper describes these affection upon the values of specific gravity of soil particles. The results obtained are as follows: 1) In the case that the weight of test sample on an oven-dry basis is more than 10(g), the values of specific gravity shall be taken to the nearest 0.01. 2) The picnometer's volume change by temperature has a considerable affection upon the values of specific gravity, so I recommend that the table-3 shall be used on calculation.
- 木更津工業高等専門学校の論文
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